Dental Crowns

Home/Dental Crowns

What Should I Do if My Tooth Gets Knocked Out?

Dental accidents can happen in a split second, whether it’s from a fall, getting hit playing sports, or another injury. To alleviate the effects of this trauma, restorative options like dental crowns can correct damage that may come from a chip or broken tooth. In some cases, the dental trauma is more severe and a tooth may be completely dislodged. In situations where a tooth has been fully knocked out, here are steps to follow immediately:  1. React quickly and […]

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How To Fix A Chipped Tooth

Chipping a tooth can be painful and frustrating, and in order to fix this problem, you’ll probably need to take a trip to the dentist. With nearly 20 years in practice, Dr. Todd Mabry has extensive experience treating teeth that have become damaged in a variety of ways, including minor to severe chips. When it comes to treating your chipped or cracked tooth, there are four primary options: tooth-colored filling, dental bonding, dental crowns, or porcelain veneers. Each has a […]

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CEREC® Crowns vs. Lab-Made Crowns

In the past, patients in need of a dental crown would need to schedule two visits with their dentist to complete their final tooth restoration. This allowed for the dentist to work with a lab technician for the fabrication of the new crown. As dental technology has continued to advance over the years, the sophisticated system known as CEREC® has allowed dentists to offer crowns in just a single visit. CEREC is a type of CAD/CAM machine that makes planning […]

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How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

Porcelain dental crowns are used to restore the form and function of a tooth that has been damaged, decayed, or weakened in some other way. As such a common tooth restoration, many patients wonder how long they can expect their porcelain crown to last. In most cases, crowns can last for a decade or longer when cared for properly. However, it is not uncommon for the restoration to need to be replaced or recemented after several years of wear and […]

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